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21 Top Situational Interview Questions and Answers

Situational interview questions and answers are tricky and significant to employers and applicants. Like behavioral interviews, specific questions are asked about what can happen to the candidates during a situational interview. The candidate is asked to assess any situation and ask to provide solutions on how he will operate. In many cases, situation-based interview questions […]

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70 Sustainable Competitive Advantage Examples

There are several companies with a sustainable competitive advantage example that turned them great. A strong competitive advantage lasts long. Competitiveness, market, business model, environment, customer preferences, and technology, as well as a competitive advantage, exists with time. The business will not work today, what does tomorrow work? A group of resources, traits, or skills […]

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Importance of Code of Ethics – 5 Steps to Multiply Growths

The importance of a code of ethics for any organization is invaluable because it clearly carries out rules for behavior and provides the basis for a preemptive warning. Despite the size, businessmen count on their employees to follow the standards of ethical behavior for other employees to follow. The ethical standards that direct choices and […]

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21 Different Types of Leadership Styles in Business

Different types of leadership styles have many traits and the appropriate leadership models can motivate a team to success. Have a link between growth and specific leadership features? We have tried to focus on this question by integrating two unique databases: Macintosh’s Granular-Enhanced Database, information on the growth performance of more than 700 companies, and […]

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